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Investors & financial institutions need to understand how nature and biodiversity risk or impacts will affect the companies and countries in which they choose to invest today.
Bringing an extensive track record and dedicated focus on nature and biodiversity, NatureAlpha's science-based datasets assess nature and biodiversity-related impacts, dependencies, controversies and management, and are designed to be applied at the asset, company and portfolio level. With over 30 submodules, data supports investors in understanding, managing and mitigating exposure of their investments to nature and biodiversity related risks and impacts, alongside their biodiversity footprint.
Delivering insight aligned with evolving regulation and designed for investment decision makers, our nature & biodiversity analytics give asset managers, asset owners, and sustainability professionals consistent, science-based data for nature risk and impact decision-making.
Award-winning biodiversity & nature analytics
designed for the world's leading investment decision-makers

135+ metrics covering nature & biodiversity risk, impacts and dependencies, including Nature Value at Risk and governance insights

Enables visualisation of company locations & essential spatial biodiversity insights for private & public assets

TNFD plug & play reporting
Financed portfolio reporting, deeper insight:
governance, supply chains, policy analysis

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Geoverse for private & listed portfolios
NatureAlpha's Geoverse is a user web app designed to enable interactive visualisation of company locations, essential spatial biodiversity insights and metrics. We're here to run you through a demo.
Location-specific insights &
We provide financial institutions with increased access to the world’s most authoritative biodiversity data - going beyond lifecycle models to location-specific insights.
This includes our collaboration with the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT), an alliance between the United Nations Environment Programme – World Conservation Monitoring Centre, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), BirdLife International, and Conservation International, housing key global biodiversity datasets.
Helping both organisations and governments to enhance their decision-making for all matters affecting critical biodiversity, data is integrated into our biodiversity and nature metrics delivering location-specific insight aligned with evolving policy requirements.

Nature accounting

& nature-focused data at scale.
The NatureAlpha platform delivers user-friendly location-specific insights via an easily consumable interface or API to financial institutions, investors and analysts, filling the gap for technology-powered provision of science-based, nature-focused asset level data at scale.

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